Jan 25, 2008

Textually Active


Its funny how text messaging has stepped on the scene within the last few years and has just began to completely dominate societies form of communication. I don't know the last time I sent out a handwritten letter to someone but I can tell you that I have sent out at least five text messages within the last hour. In class today Prof. Kinsley had stressed to us the fact that we should not call her and simply just send a text instead.  I couldn't agree more with the idea of "just send me a text". People argue and say "Well if you want to talk to someone just call them?" there are many answers to that question....maybe I do not want to speak to that person. maybe I want to skip the small talk b.s., maybe Im in the middle of class and I can't call you but I really have to tell you something.  There are too many reasons why I would prefer to send a text message to some as opposed to just calling them. But the biggest reason by far has to be the simplicity. I went out last year and purchased a new cell phone with a full slide out keyboard so that along with the connivence of send text messages I could now fire them off at warp speed. 

1 comment:

Professor Kinsley said...

Good job, Matt. Thank you for getting your blog up and running right away! I am looking forward to more of your entries. I completely agree with you on the texting!